hey best pally i’m ally hello i’m lumen
oh dear woman sent me this advice and
i’m super stoked on it because
supposedly you breathe into it
and then it tells you if you’re burning
carbs or fat and you can keep track of
that and then over time it can tell you
your level of metabolic flexibility
i think having that ability is epic
hence the echo i’ll explain more what it
is later but first let’s just get this
oh i’m already liking this it’s magnetic
look at that glow
it sounds like the future it feels like
the future you can know all of my things
turn all categories on again this is
feeling like a future but in a
surveillance way because it now knows my
weight down to the
10th decimal place share info about you
oh it wants to know my activity level
i don’t exercise on a regular basis all
the way up to i’m training for an iron
exercise every day that’s me sleep
schedule i just have to pick one i can’t
say this one unless i’m
late on a youtube video than this one i
was trying to measure the air you can
inhale into your lungs
good thing i did that mask thing
and i was trying to say before i was
slightly interrupted by this talking
i wore this for 24 hours so clearly i’m
gonna be great at this now it’s time to
do my actual first measurement
with weights oh that’s a different video
okay interesting so it’s measuring the
amount of co2
that i’m expelling and that’s how
they’re gonna tell if i’m burning fat or
carbs which there’s a crazy way to do
this in a lab where you’re wearing this
like big dome helmet thing but now you
can do it
sitting on your couch here we go
and the results are you’re burning
mostly fat dope also
that’s kind of what i expected and so
now i’m gonna use this for four weeks
and it’s gonna get an idea of what my
body’s doing
and then i assume it’ll say to me holy
crap ally you’re super human let’s just
compare their burning mostly fat
to my ketones out certainly sacrificing
my blood to a device
is not as cool as breathing into it what
do we got
point three so i’m not in ketosis even
though that
lumen was like hey you’re burning fat
it’ll be interesting to compare these
two and also if you haven’t seen the
video where i use this
to compete in my own metabolic olympics
you should check that out
today was my first morning breath which
now makes me feel bad this little guy
has to smell my morning breath anyway
look i got a two score which is my goal
of one or two which i didn’t know was my
goal but there we go it also asked me a
bunch of questions about my activity
yesterday and
how many servings of carbs i had which i
didn’t know how much a serving was i
how many grams i had apparently 15 grams
is one serving so i had
13 servings of carbs i swear i’m not
lying little guy but still managed to be
a two get nutrition plan
so today it’s saying i should have 105
grams of carbs
which i planned on having 280. i
might just stick to my own nutrition
plan and see what happens get a baseline
first before
i let this guy change what i’m doing
protein 103 oh heck no
i’m doing 125. not that i’m not open to
experimenting in adjustments it’s just
i have what i’m doing figure it out and
i want to know a baseline first but in
general i think it’s really cool that
they’re giving me
my macros based on anything up until now
i was making up my own macros based on
i don’t know a wide range of information
that i’ve gotten out there and then
adjusting based on how i felt
how i performed what i look like but
that’s taken a lot of
time and effort and like guessing but
this plan is based on data and that’s
super cool so i do see myself
making adjustments in the future and
actually trusting this thing
time for my second morning breath
measurement i did take a 30 minute walk
before this
although it’s still a fasted breath i’m
just not sure if they want me
right in the morning when i wake up or
if this will still be okay i hope this
doesn’t mess with my data some of the
data they’re collecting right now is
what i did yesterday
interesting they’re asking me about my
overnight fast my only option is to go
till 6 pm but i’m pretty
darn sure that i’m not going to eat well
after that totally my fasting window is
too bad
for th
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