welcome to the midwest my name is jesse
and today i’m going to be reviewing
the lumen metabolic device this channel
is all about
breath work wim hof method cold training
and mental and physical wellness so if
you’re new to this channel i invite you
to subscribe and come along with us for
the ride
but for today i’m talking about the
lumen metabolic tracker
as a breath worker and a you know
published in this field i was
i’ve been really interested in this i
saw the initial beta testing
about a year ago and but it wasn’t until
just this past month that lumen reached
out to me and they said hey jesse we
think you might like this device would
you like to try it
so i said yes but i’ll tell you this
much i said
i’m going to give you my honest review
whether i like it or not so that’s what
this is all about
so they said hey we’re pretty sure
you’re going to like it so they sent it
out to me so i want to say thank you to
lumen for sending this out
and having that much confidence in your
product so what i’m going to do today
i’m going to tell you first of all what
the device is what it does how i’ve been
using it for the past month
and then at the end of this video i’m
going to tell you whether or not i think
it’s worth the money
and i will give you a coupon code to at
least give you a nice 40
discount on your lumen device if you
would like to try it
after this video so the lumid device is
essentially it’s a it’s an electronic
device that is
um it’s very easy you can you just
charge it in the wall and you can take
it with you
they provide a nice little little baggie
that you can take with you put it in
your pocket have it with you wherever
you go
and essentially what you’ll do is you
um you breathe you take an inhale so it
measures the amount of air that comes
that you’re inhaling and then then you
exhale after 10 seconds i’m going to
show you how
i do this here in just a minute
essentially what it does
is it counts the amount of co2 in your
now what does this mean what like why is
a co2
tracking device for your breath what
does that even do for you
well co2 is a byproduct of
the cellular respiration process so your
will kick out co2 after
it it completes the process of creating
cellular energy now
this process is uh is
is adjusted by your breath but it’s also
adjusted by
what you’re eating by your metabolism by
your stress levels
a lot of things come into play but one
of the biggest ones is
your what it is that your your
mitochondria are using for food so for
if you are more fat adapted you’re going
to breathe out
less co2 than if you’re
eating a bunch of sugars and carbs so
the cool thing about that is you can
learn a lot about your metabolism you
can learn a lot about what’s going on
in your body so you can make better
with what you’re feeding your body not
only what you eat
but also when you eat it the device
has multiple check-in times as soon as
you wake up before every meal and after
every meal it’ll suggest that you take a
reading before your workouts
and after your workouts now the reason
why it does this
is because it wants to inform you as to
where your metabolism is
at that very minute this can be helpful
of course for weight loss right so
everybody it looks to this as a weight
tool maybe you’re about to do a hard
and you do a measurement it says hey
burning mostly fats you can make the
decision okay
should i add some carbs before i get
into this workout so i have a better
or is this actually what i’m shooting
for over time
if you follow the advice on the app you
will make better decisions with your
intake and you can actually improve your
system so so you can become more fat
adapted and
so so a person a lot of times we look at
people who are trying to lose weight and
it’s like hey
you know this diet isn’t working for me
but what this allows you to do
is really pinpoint the times a day and
exactly minute by minute where your
metabolism is and how to feed it
for the maximal results for at least for
the result you’re looking to get now
weight loss is not the only goal
that you might have when using the lumen
device in fact
there are at the very beginning when you
first get your lumen device it asks you
what your goals are so for me i’m not
trying to specifically just
lose weight but i would like to work on
body recompositioning
so when when we talk about body
recompositioning we’re talking about
gaining muscle and losing body fat so
you know that’s great we you know
there’s all kinds of studies that show
that especially you know the older we
get the more muscle we have the stronger
we are
hey do you have alcohol as mortality
goes down that’s awesome
in in addition to that when we keep a
low body fat percentage again
all-cause mortality goes down so as an
anti-aging or a longevity tool
which is how i’m using it i think you
know that’s
that’s one option that you might choose
okay so and then additionally you might
just choose to use it just to know
a little bit more about yourself because
this will give you a lot of insight
so that is essentially what it is what
it does how people are using it
the way i’m using it myself like i said
is the body recompositioning so when i
wake up
i will take a reading to see what state
i’m in and the interesting thing is
uh it will change it does change based
off of what i ate
the day before and in some cases it’s
based off of what i ate two days before
so i can really see these changes in my
metabolism as i
am taking regular measurements the other
thing is
especially for workouts um there are
many days
that i have felt like wow i you know i’m
doing i didn’t do anything different i
had plenty of sleep last night
why is it that i just don’t have the
energy for my workout well
come to find out there are some days
when i need a little bit more
carbohydrates to boost my workouts
and there are some days that it is just
not that way so the lumen device has
been very
helpful for determining how to fuel my
body to get the most
performance and that’s something that’s
really important to me so the question
okay do i feel like it’s worth the money
so right now
a lumen device is about 350 um
you can use the the the coupon code that
i’ll give you at the end of this
video for forty dollars off of your
um but do i think it’s worth it for 350
i got this for free okay and i thank you
lumen for sending it to me
but i i have to always think to myself
if i were to break this
lose it drop it in the toilet or
something like that would it be
something that i would replace for
my own money would i actually spend my
own money to get this device
now i have to say yes this would be a
device that i would get
and let me tell you why i think this is
a really good device and it’s not just a
one of those products because there’s a
lot of gimmicky products out there
that i absolutely hate and um
let me tell you why first of all the
reason why i would personally buy it is
because i’ve actually gotten a lot of
use out of it and i’ve got a lot of
um i’ve gotten a lot of insights about
how my body is working when it’s doing
certain things
how certain foods affect me and how how
things that i
would have thought would have spiked my
uh my carbohydrate
burning actually don’t and vice versa so
i’ve learned a lot about
how my body reacts to certain foods and
that’s been invaluable for me
this is not a fat burning pill
this is not a fat burning device just
simply taking a measurement
they don’t even claim that it’s going to
do any of that for you
literally all it is it is a device that
will tell you how your system is working
at that moment to allow you to make
better decisions and if you’re a fan of
this channel if you’ve been watching
this channel you know
it’s i’m all about taking personal
responsibility for your decisions for
your life for your emotions
for your health and that is what this is
there are very few devices out there
that give you
the kind of feedback that you really
really can use to make
good choices to change and improve your
life overall so i’m going to go ahead
and show you how this works
it’s actually really simple it works
with your cell phone
or your for my european or i guess
everybody else says mobile
phone right so so for your mobile phone
but basically it has there’s an app and
it tells you like for instance if you
take a look at this
i don’t know if that’s gonna show but i
woke up
let’s see no this was before my workout
before my workout
i had a lumen number of two that
that says okay and it says your body
needs to fuel up before this workout
it gives you that advice you don’t have
to take it again this is your own choice
but it recommends not only does it
recommend to add some carbs
before you work out to get a better
workout it’s saying you’re burning
mostly fat right now
and that’s why okay so it’s one out of
five so it’s
if you’re if you score a one you’re
burning only fat
five all carbs and so it’s and not only
does it say hey you should have
uh some carbs to fuel up it also gives
you the approximate
number of carbs to use based off of the
information that you give this
uh device early on about your your
physiology so i’m going to go ahead
and i’m going to take a custom reading
and essentially let’s see this is just a
custom check in
and it says and it says i should be
sitting down but i’m standing up for
this video so
maybe it’ll be uh reading
exhale in three two one
so one of the things that it does
whenever you do your exhale it
it tries to make sure you give a very
steady stream and it helps you with that
usually it takes a couple readings to
get a really accurate reading
um and so you just saw basically i held
my breath for 10 seconds
and that was enough time for it to
calculate how much
carbon dioxide might be coming through
now i’ve been talking for a little bit
we’ll see how this works so i’m going to
take another reading so right now i have
a lumen score
score of three it says that i’m burning
carbs and fat
and that makes sense because i’m this is
post-workout i had a post-workout meal
and i don’t want to spike myself too
much so i’m just burning only carbs
i want to make sure that i’m staying in
that that three or four area after a
workout so
that is the lumen device again it is not
get skinny quick thing it is literally a
thing would you like to learn more about
your own physiology your own metabolism
and would you like to know things that
help you make better decisions
so that you can take more responsibility
for your life and for your decisions
for your health so i highly recommend it
it is
i’ll put the link below if you’d like to
try it for yourself
um and if you’d like to get 40 off
you can use this code it is coomer 40
and you just enter that in whenever you
go to checkout it’ll take 40
off your purchase price and you can use
that to get your own
if you if you have one of these or if
you grab one of these let me know how
you like it
is this something that you’ve found
value in um so thank you lumen for
sending this to me
and let me know what you guys think
thanks so much for watching
please like and subscribe and don’t
forget to go out there and be kind to
one another